GraphQL vs REST

July 22, 2022

GraphQL vs REST: Which One is Better for Your Application?

Web APIs are a critical part of software development. They allow businesses to create web services that interact with other applications or even power up their own front-end. When it comes to choosing the best web API, many developers ask themselves whether to use REST or GraphQL. Both are popular, scalable, and flexible, but they differ in their approach to data exchange. In this comparison, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of each API to help you find the right fit for your project.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language that provides a more efficient and flexible alternative to REST. It was invented by Facebook in 2012 and has since been open-sourced. With GraphQL, the client requests only the data they need, reducing the amount of data transmitted and improving network performance. The client sends a query describing the desired data, and the server responds with the exact data that matches the query.

GraphQL has several advantages over REST:

  • Reduced Overfetching and Underfetching: GraphQL solves the problem of overfetching and underfetching. REST APIs send back all data, including the ones that the client does not need. With GraphQL, the client fetches only the required fields, reducing the amount of data transmitted.
  • Greater Flexibility: Since the client chooses the shape and amount of the data, they receive. GraphQL provides a more flexible API that can adapt quickly to changing requirements.
  • Better Performance: GraphQL improves performance by reducing the number of requests the client needs to make. REST API requires multiple requests to retrieve different data, whereas GraphQL needs only one request that defines the data to be returned.

What is REST?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for building web services. It uses standard HTTP methods such as GET, PUT, POST to request data from a server. REST APIs deliver data in a predefined structure, and the client receives all the data in the response.

REST has the following advantages:

  • Caching: As REST uses HTTP, it benefits from existing caching standards, which can reduce server load and improve request/response times.
  • Simplicity: REST operations are intuitive and easy to understand, making it simple for other developers to integrate.
  • Widespread Adoption: REST has been around for a more extended period, and its adoption is wider, making it simpler to grasp and easier to use.

REST, however, has some limitations that GraphQL addresses:

  • Overfetching and Underfetching: The major drawback of REST is overfetching and underfetching. REST resources include all the information related to an entity, even the ones that the client does not need. This results in a waste of server resources, network bandwidth, and latency as the client has to wait for data that it doesn't use.
  • Versioning: REST requires versioning to maintain backwards compatibility. Adding new fields that break the old clients makes versioning necessary, and this adds more complexity to the API.
  • Multiple Endpoints: REST requires multiple endpoints to retrieve data, leading to a higher number of network requests and slower performance.

GraphQL vs. REST: Which One is Right for You?

When choosing either GraphQL or REST, you must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each API against the needs of your project. If flexibility, reduced number of network requests, and reduced overfetching are what you are aiming for in your development process, then GraphQL is the best option for you. On the other hand, if simplicity, caching, and robust documentation are more important, then REST is the better choice.

Given the above, a quick comparison table can be found below:

Criteria GraphQL REST
Network requests Fewer More
Overfetching Less More
Flexibility More Less
Caching Harder Easier
Learning curve Steep Gentle
Documentation Good Great

Finally, it’s worth noting that GraphQL complements REST, so you don't have to choose between them. GraphQL can be used to augment an existing REST API by allowing clients to retrieve data more efficiently.


Choosing between GraphQL and REST isn't an easy decision. They both have unique advantages and disadvantages, and the decision ultimately depends on your project's specific needs. If you're prioritizing flexibility and reduced server overhead, GraphQL is the way to go. If you're prioritizing simplicity and ease of use, REST is the better choice. But in reality, the best solution for many projects might be to use both GraphQL and REST, combining the benefits of each API.


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